Matt Cartwright Releases New TV Ad: “Phony vs. Real”

Scranton, Pa. — Today the Matt Cartwright campaign began airing a brand new TV ad, “Phony vs. Real”. The new spot calls out D.C. lobbying executive Jim Bognet and his special interest-backed campaign for running TV ads that lie to voters about Congressman Cartwright’s record.

Cartwright campaign press secretary David Early issued the following statement:

“While Jim Bognet lies in his TV ads, Matt Cartwright is running on a record of success — capping insulin prices, protecting Social Security and Medicare, and bringing a shale-to-car gas plant to northeastern Pennsylvania to lower gas prices and create jobs. The people of this community see right through shady Jim Bognet and his phony ads, and come November they will show him the door.”

“Phony vs. Real”


This ad is a lie. 

It’s funded by huge corporate interests like drug companies that pay Jim Bognet’s Washington D.C. lobbying firm. 

I’ve been here, working to cap insulin prices, protect Social Security & Medicare, and open a new plant to convert shale gas to regular car gas.

He works for big corporate interests funding phony ads.

I’m Matt Cartwright and I approve this message. I work for you.

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