
Find your County Board of Elections Office and polling location here:

Register to Vote

To vote in Pennsylvania, you must register by October 21, 2024, at least 15 days before the election. You can register to vote online, by mail, at your local election office, or at a number of government agencies, including Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) Photo License and Driver’s License Centers.

You can register to vote in less than 10 minutes, online at this link.

Vote from Home by Mail-in Ballot

Drop your completed mail-in ballot off at your County Board of Elections Office as soon as possible, and no later than November 5 at 8 p.m. If you are putting your ballot in the mail, be sure to mail it no later than October 29th, since all ballots must arrive by November 5th in order to be counted.

When you’re ready to vote, complete your ballot completely in black or blue ink. Place your ballot in the secrecy envelope marked “official election ballot” and then put the sealed secrecy envelope into the official return envelope. Be sure to sign the return envelope, or your ballot may not count.

Wondering if your absentee ballot actually made it to your county election office? Track your absentee ballot here.

Return Your Ballot to a Dropbox

Drop your completed absentee ballot off at a designated dropbox. See below to find a location near you.

Election Day

Election Day is Tuesday, November 5th! Polls are open from 7 AM – 8 PM. To find your polling location, please visit the poll site locator. Be sure to confirm your polling location before heading out to vote.


Call the PA Dems voter protection hotline at 1-833-PA-VOTES

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